Terms of Use


The templates offered by Resumio are intended for personal use only. By downloading or using Resumio's templates, you agree to be bound by the terms of the end-user license agreement. Please read this agreement thoroughly. By proceeding with the download or use of the templates, you acknowledge your acceptance of these terms and confirm that you have the authority to bind yourself to this agreement. If you disagree with these terms, do not download or use the templates.


This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a binding legal contract between you (referred to as “You” below) and Resumio. It outlines the terms and conditions under which you are granted a license to use the graphic design templates ("Templates") that you purchase from Resumio. The term "You" refers to the individual acquiring the Templates.

1. Template License: Upon payment of the applicable purchase fee, Resumio grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, and nonsublicensable license to reproduce, modify, and create derivative works from the Templates you have purchased, strictly for PERSONAL USE ONLY, in accordance with this EULA. You acknowledge that Templates are licensed, not sold, and any use of the Templates or their content outside the scope of this EULA is unauthorized and may violate applicable laws, including copyright and trademark laws.

2. Template License Limitations: All rights not explicitly granted to you under this Agreement are reserved by Resumio and its licensors. You agree not to, and will not allow any third party to: (a) sublicense, sell, publish, post, display, distribute, or otherwise transfer the Templates or make them available online or for download without prior written consent from Resumio. You also agree not to sell printed versions of the templates to a third party without prior written consent from Resumio.

3. Payment: The license granted under this EULA is contingent upon your payment of the applicable license fee for the Templates you purchase. You are responsible for (a) all applicable taxes; and (b) timely payment of all such license fees. Resumio is entitled to reimbursement from you for any fees incurred in enforcing rights under this EULA, including but not limited to collection and legal fees for obtaining payment. You represent that all information provided to Resumio regarding your license and use of the Templates, including credit card and payment information, is accurate and truthful.

4. Rights in Template: The Templates are the valuable property of Resumio and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties.